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Teacher Tips

Proven Tips to Boost Parent Buy-In and Engagement in 2024

Building connections with parents is essential for student achievement and a positive classroom environment for educators. When parents actively participate in their children’s journey it can have an impact on

Teacher Tips

How to Introduce Project Based Classroom Learning

Bringing project-based learning (PBL) into your class can be a game changer, promoting in depth learning, critical thinking and practical problem-solving skills among students. To kick off successfully, it’s vital

Teacher Tips

Transform Language Arts with Exciting 2024 Movement Activities

Incorporating movement during reading sessions can really transform the classroom setup making it more dynamic, engaging and effective. This approach, inspired by learning principles recognizes that students often benefit from

Teacher Tips

How a New Teacher Can Improve Classroom Management

Whether you’re fresh out of college or transitioning from another career, mastering classroom management is key to creating a positive learning environment. I‘m going to be discussing eight specific things

Teacher Tips

Unlock the Science of Reading: Master Literacy Now

Let’s kick things off by defining what we mean by “The Science of Reading.” It’s not just about learning to read but grasping the process of reading itself. This field

Teacher RockStar Academy™

The New Teacher's Blueprint To Succeeding In The Classroom

Teacher RockStar Academy™ is an essential course for new teachers, student teachers, and teachers re-entering the classroom. It delivers research-based, classroom-tested best practices on the many responsibilities and challenges of teaching.